The E-learning system for the cluster statistical modeling (II) is focused on survival analysis. Two courses are available: Introduction to Survival analysis using R (Developed by Roel Braekers with R examples of Alessio Crippa) and Survival analysis using R (developed by David Harrington).

The course covers the following topics in survival analysis:

  • Censoring.
  • Estimation of the survival function.
  • Life tables and Kaplan-Meier estimator.
  • Comparison of survival curves.
  • Test for two or more samples.
  • Log-rank test, tests for trend and stratified tests.
  • Cox’s regression model and stratifed proportional hazards.
  • Time-dependent covariates.
  • Survival distributions and parametric regression models in survival analysis.
  • Accelerated failure time regression models

  • Survival Analysis using R (See Survival analysis II).

The course covers the following topics in survival analysis:

  • Introduction and background.
  • Non-parametric estimation of a survival distribution.
  • Significance tests with censored data.
  • Proportional hazards regression: basics.
  • Proportional hazards regression: special topics.
  • Designing a survival study.