The >eR-Biostat initiative: making R based education materials accessible for all

What is all about ?

One of the main problems in high education at both under graduate and master levels in developing countries is the lack of high quality , R based, materials for courses in education programs. The >eR-Biostat initiative is focused on education programs (both undergraduate and master) in Biostatistics/Statistics and for non-statisticians and aim to develop new E-learning system for courses at different education level.

Our approach

We believe that accessibility to free high quality education materials is crucial to ensure a high standard in education. We offer an “open sources”, R based, education materials in statistics. Everybody (teachers and students) can download and use the courses from free.

Why R based new E-learning system ?

The >eR-Biostat initiative introduces a new, R based, learning system, the multi-module learning system, in which the students in the local universities in developing countries are be able to follow courses in different learning format, including e-courses taken online and a combination between e-courses and local lectures given by local staff members. R software and packages are used in all courses as data analysis tool for all examples and illustrations. The >eR-Biostat initiative provides a free, accessible and ready to use tool for capacity building in biostatistics/statistics for local universities in developing countries with current low or near zero capacity in these topics. In its nurture, the R community is used for this type of collaboration (for example, CRAN and Bioconductor which offer access to the most up-to-date R packages for data analysis). The >eR-Biostat initiative is aimed to bring the R community members for the development of high education courses in the same way it is currently done in software development.

Social media

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Follow us in Tweeter: @erbiostat, eR-Biostat

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