This group of courses are developed at an introductory level. Only basic level knowledge of statistics and R is required. These courses were developed for both non statisticians and statisticians. The courses within this cluster can also be used as courses to support R usage in undergraduate program in biostatistic/statistics.

  • Introduction to R (See R).

This course is an introductory course to R and can be given as a two-days workshop or as a course of 3-4 classes (3 hours per class). All topics in the course are presented at a basic level and do not intend to introduce new statistical materials. Only a limited knowledge in R is required.

  • Simple linear regression using R (See Regression).

This course covers the topic of simple linear regression using the R function lm(). Topics (all presented at a basic level) covered in the course include: (1) introduction and model formulation, (2) fitting a simple linear regression model using the lm() function in R, (3) model diagnostic and (4) model diagnostic in R.

  • One-way ANOVA using R (see ANOVA)

This course covers the topic of one way ANOVA models using the R function aov(). Topics (all presented at a basic level) covered in the course include: (1) the one-way ANOVA model, (2) sources of Variability, (4) One-way ANOVA using R: the aov() function, (5) model formulation and hypotheses testing, (6) model diagnostic in R: normal probability plot and (7) multiple testing.

This course covers the topic of simple logistic regression using the R function glm(). Topics (all presented at a basic level) covered in the course include: (1) Introduction and example tour, (2) fitting a simple linear logistic regression model using the glm() function in R, (3) model formulation and (4) interpretation of the model parameters.